About Us

Welcome to our website! We strive to bring you the latest manhwa manga and webtoons. We update our website every day. We have designed our website to be easy to use. You can read manga on our site smoothly, without cramping, without freezing, without annoying ads (there are no ads now, even if we add them, they will be minimal). You can come to our discord address to be informed about the new chapters of the manga you follow. If you encounter an error on our website or have any suggestions, you can contact us from our contact page.

  1. Does the site translate manga?

We are currently translating only one series (The Ancient Sovereign of Eternity). The manga registered on the site are translated with the help of Scans (translation groups). Therefore, if you want to know when new chapters will be released, contact them.

  1. When will the new chapters of the manga I’m reading be published?

We don’t know that. It may vary depending on when the translation group releases it or the release day of the manga.

  1. Why hasn’t the manga I follow been updated for a long time?

Possibly because the translation group has stopped translating the manga or the manga is on hiatus.

  1. Why is the translation of the manga incorrect or incomplete?

Mistakes may have been made during editing/translation. If there are enough errors to prevent reading, contact the translation group.

  1. Why isn’t the manga I want on your site?

If the manga you want has not been translated by any translation group, it cannot be published. But in the future when we receive new series, you can suggest us the manga you want.

  1. How can I read manga online faster?

Use the Google Chrome browser, it is the best browser that our site supports and this makes for extremely fast reading.

All the comics featured on this website are property of their publishers. The translations are fan-made work and meant to be a preview of material unavailable for western audience. Do not try to profit from this material. If you liked any of the comic you have read here, consider buying the official version, or local translation when available to you.